Saturday, April 28, 2012

OMG, it's almost MAY

It's been a while since Anna & I baked & sampled the recipe of the week from "Inside The Jewish Bakery", but I thought I'd let you know what I've been up to. 

For the past weeks, almost months, I've been happy to be supporting Geraldson's Organic CSA Farm by participating in both their Sunday Farmer's Market and Buying Club. I you want to experience the benefits of locally produced food then you should be supporting our  local farmers and crafts people providing it. Depending on the week, the Sunday Farmer's Market offers organic produce,  fresh goat milk, goat cheese & yogurt; local honey & handmade soaps; hand crafted wood; organic sauerkraut; locally caught fish; homemade authentic tamales;  and other stuff. Geraldson's Farm is on the same road, just before Robinson's Preserve, and they are both a delightful way to spend some laid-back time.

Geraldson's Sunday Farmer's Market is open from 11-3. You can purchase organic produce without having to be a supporting annual member...although that isn't a bad idea either. I have been involved since the beginning and it will only be operating until the end of May. I, on the other hand, will not be available for the long run. Happily, I'm off to a birthday party weekend in Berlin, and on to Sweden, toward the end of the month of May.

Along with other vendors, I will be at Geraldson's tomorrow from 11-3 and here are some of the yummy things I've baked that you can find then...

Blueberry Cheese Braid, sold in small sections, like an individual danish.

Then there will also be a limited number of my new Blue Cheese/Cheddar Handmade Crackers, perfect for a cocktail party.

That of course goes along with my basic offerings of Chocolate Orgasm Cookies, unique jams and Mango Churney, Breadstix, Cookies, etc .

To my friends who know how my son Rob spent the last year in Houston producing a reality tv show, it is premiering tonight. Check out "Flipped Off" on A&E at 10pm Sat. What you won't see is how he was sucker punched with brass knuckles while out with the cast/crew and suffered a broken nose, 20+ stitches to his face, rattled teeth and a probable concussion. Show biz.

A few days ago my friend Melissa & I went to visit the Giraffe Ranch in Dade City. It was wonderful and I'd be happy to share my enthusiasm with you. Meanwhile, here are a few pictures:

Not only did they love to scarf up tree branches from us with their sand paper tongues, better yet were the chunks of fresh cabbage. Imagine what they'd do with NYC Classic Deli Cole Slaw!!

This is the adorable unplanned LOVE CHILD of a beautiful Zebra and a romantic Donkey. Viva la amour!!! A zebra vision in browns.

The hippos were sleeping when we arrived but a few carrots & shouts aroused one of this married couple. Who do you think was interested, and who do you think was the happy hippo couch potato? I won't tell.

Our day at Giraffe Ranch started with a camel ride. I liked the look of camel #2, who turned out to be named Dufus...of course! We were connected to Melissa's lead camel, whose name I don't remember, but don't they look like they're in charge...

Have a great weekend and I hope to see you soon...before flying off to Germany & beyond.

Hugs from the TreeHouse kitchen,

Bonni & Twink the Wonder Dog, who believes in modest wood houses

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