Friday, January 1, 2016


I live on this tree lined street in Park Slope, Brooklyn

During December New York is a magical place where street trees are decorated with twinkling white lights and bold swaths of color transform large buildings. On Christmas Day I was walking down W 23rd Street on the way to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens. It was a gray day which morphed into an evening of thick fog that embraced & obscured everything. As I turned around I suddenly saw the lights on the Empire State Building shining through the mist. Smiling, I had to stop and take this photo with my iPhone. By the way, I loved the movie so much that I saw it again five days later in the 3-D version. May the Force be with you in 2016. 

It's been 100 days since my transition from Floridian to New Yorker began. I now have a NY driver's license & plates for my car, down jacket, boots, mostly black wardrobe, subscription to The New Yorker, personal Metro Card, membership in Park Slope Food Coop, Brooklyn Library card and I'm working on getting my accent back. 
Twinkie, known on Brooklyn streets as DaTwink, has become a fashionista. Once happy to go au-natural in Bradenton, she now regularly sports sweaters, pajamas, a winter coat & rain slicker. I drew the line at a Halloween costume, although she seemed to be the only dog in the neighborhood without one. 
We're living in Park Slope, Brooklyn which is a very family friendly neighborhood where I can find most things within walking distance. Luckily I only have to move my car once a week for alternate side parking. Restaurants, subways, buses, shops & fresh food options (including handmade mozzarella) are within a few blocks.
Some of my neighbors go all out for Halloween. I stood in front of my brownstone with bowls of candy as over 100 costumed trick-or-treaters stopped by. My favorite group was the 5 member family of assorted penguins. Lots of creativity around here. 

Christmas & Chanukah displays

weren't far behind. In addition to the classic plastic Santas and glittery trees, a few houses had awesome setups, like these bigger than life nutcrackers. Not to be overlooked, many Jews display electric menorahs in their window for eight days. I was surprised to see a few cars driving around with a menorah strapped to their roof & a sign flashing "Happy Chanukah!" 

Here are a few pictures of my new environment:
The back garden of my brownstone apartment

Random mural on a building
A store that JUST sells breast pumps?
Cutting boards & rolling pin handmade by my Grandpa in the 1930s
Thanksgiving leftovers became my Turkey Pot Pies
I haven't been baking for the local community as I did for the past 4 years in Bradenton because NYC doesn't have a Cottage Food Law. I'm restless so it's time to look for the next challenge that I can throw my creativity & energy into. I'm sure I'll stumble over it in 2016. Of course I have been baking for family & friends.

Whole Wheat Rye Cranberry Pecan Loaf
Living in the same city as my kids for the first time in 25 years is just fabulous because we can do so many things spontaneously.

Abby, Rainer, Bonni, Rob, Molly @ Abby's Tree Trimming
And Twink loves having sleepovers & hanging out with her furry cousins, who are founding members of the notorious Greenpoint Glass Gang.

Best wishes, good health & tons of happiness in 2016. 

I haven't done a very good job of staying in touch these past few months. Now that the craziness surrounding my BIG MOVE is over I hope to do better. I miss seeing & talking with you & appreciate all the support and friendship you've given me over the years. My email address & phone number are the same, in case you want to get in touch. I hope you do.

Hugs from my Brooklyn kitchen,
Bonni & DaTwink

It was mid 60's around Christmas, what's her problem?
(941) 746-6647

381 8th St., Apt 1    Brooklyn, NY  11215

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