Friday, May 18, 2012


This Sunday, May 20th, will be my final appearance at Geraldson Farm's Sunday Market. It's been a wonderful experience -- meeting new people, seeing old friends, sharing recipes and learning new skills. After weeks of practice I can finally take down a tent by myself...putting it up however, requires more than two hands and a little more height than I can muster.

It was hard deciding what to bring for this Sunday, my season finale.   I've decided on an assortment of those Big Cookies, especially the ones sporting large chunks of bittersweet Belgium chocolate.

I'll definitely bring Chocolate Orgasms, for all of the chocoholics among us.

In addition to my classic Rosemary Parmigiano Breadstix there will be packages of my new Kalamata Feta Breadstix

Back by popular demand will be those delicious Breakfast Muffins, a delicate corn muffin chock full of Cheddar, bacon & scallions. A great way to start the day, at any time of the day. And they freeze well too.

My classic Keitt Mango Chutney, will be available, along with some free recipes featuring it, including the famous Bonni Bakes' Curried Chicken Salad. The raw chutney ingredients (mango, apple, sweet red pepper, onion & friends) have to be chopped into small pieces prior to cooking, then they're transformed into that unique multi-purpose condiment.

If you're looking for something sweeter, taste samples of all my jams. Mango Strawberry Cardamom with subtle spice; Strawberry Orange the essence of Florida; Mango Daiquiri with rum & lime, or Strawberry Earl Grey whose soft set is perfect over muffins, ice cream or dessert. 

This Saturday I'm teaching a class based on recipes from the book "Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day". The picture above shows a variety of items you can bake using the same dough. We'll be making bread and pizza...then eating the evidence! I hope to bake some fresh bread for Sunday, but it will depend on how much time I have.

I buy a ton of scallions. Something I recently learned is that you can cut off the dark green tops of scallions, then place the white base with its roots in water, and new green shoots will regrow. I don't know how many times you can do this, but a week ago I put the stubs in water and look at what I got. The brownish parts on the stem are the height of my original cut and they stay crisp & green as long as I change the water daily, like cut flowers. Fun to save money & recycle at the same time.

One of the most delicious items I've bought whenever I saw them on Sunday, are Geraldson's organic beets. Just wash, wrap in foil with a little olive oil & salt, and bake until tender. My newest favorite salad is a plate of assorted (crisp & soft) mixed greens, roasted beets (sliced or cubed), caramelized onions, goat cheese and a sprinkle of toasted nuts. It's a delicious combination that defines umami for me.

In less than a week I'm off to hang out with family & friends in Berlin and Sweden. My little dog Twinkie will be staying with friends, who have graciously invited her. Since they have two LARGE cats we spent a few hours together introducing them. Despite my obvious fear, all went well. Twink is a lucky puppy & about to have a great adventure.

I plan to relax, enjoy the company & my surroundings, eat lots of bread & embrace the local food. Who knows what wonderful influences I'll be bringing home. And knowing me, you'll get a chance to sample it soon too.

Hugs from the kitchen,
Bonni & The Twink